December 28, 2018
Recently a few of our clients have been approached by their payroll company (i.e.Paychex, etc.) to handle their employee benefit plans. There is a major difference between Century Benefits Group, where employee benefits is our primary line of business vs payroll companies where employee benefits is their secondary line of business.
Payroll companies want to "lock you in" with as many lines of business they can sell. If your payroll or employee benefits service is not up to your expectation, you are more apt to accept their inferior service. Why would you put your benefits and payroll with one company?
Typically the payroll people that sell you the plans are not the people that service your account. The sales people are NOT paid to service your account. You will be handled off to someone you may never meet. Will you get the personal customer service that you are getting now? Many companies do an excellent job handling your payroll needs, and maybe do an ok job with your healthcare and benefit needs. But is "ok" good enough. Both myself and my administrative assistant have worked for two major payroll companies (ADP and Paychex). In big payroll companies, turnover is always changing. Joe may service your account today, but Cindy may take over your account when Joe climbs up the corporate ladder.
Here at Century Benefits Group, your account will get the personal attention it deserves.Your account will be serviced by me and my associate Charles Beecher. You have a question? Just call us and someone will give you an answer or call you back with an answer .
No long hold times, only to be transferred over and over. Big companies cannot give you the level of service that Century Benefits Group can!
Before considering changing your employee benefits advisor, make sure you are asking the right questions and getting the right answers. Attached is a list of the questions you should ask your payroll company BEFORE considering the change.
If you would like to discuss how large payroll companies operate, feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you for your business!!
Payroll companies VS employee benefit firms.pdf